Our Goals
Alleviate or reduce poverty among grassroots populations;
Raise awareness among populations about current emergencies;
Taking care of people in difficult situations;
Promote access to basic, quality education in remote areas;
Encourage the creation of IGAs (Income Generating Activities);
Insist on the education of young girls in rural areas;
Protect young girls against pregnancies, abortions, prostitution in schools;
Encourage the school education of orphaned and deprived children;
Providing assistance (food, clothing and sanitation) to elderly people in precarious situations;
Contribute to building the capacities of trainers and supervisors
Build: a school complex, an orphanage and a youth training center.
Short term goals
Long Term Goals
Promote population access to quality care
Promote access to drinking water and electricity for populations in remote areas;
Work towards the social reintegration of orphans, street children, prostitutes and drug addicts;
Promote professional training for young people in difficult situations;
Provide support for private initiatives of young people;
Promote grassroots development;
Fight against STIs-HIV AIDS as well as opportunistic diseases;
Assisting affected populations etc.
Sauvons Des Vies Togo
Email : assocsauvonsdesvies@gmail.com
Phone :(00228) 90 28 48 43 / 97 82 84 43