SAUVONS DES VIES is a non-profit organization created on April 30, 2023 and officially registered on June 9, 2023 under No. 0521.
Its headquarters is located in Ségbé-Adandogou
(Tel: (00228) 90 28 48 43 / 97 82 84 43;
BP: 3686-Lomé
The Association is represented by Mrs. DWEGGAH God Grace Yvonne.
Our Mission
Given the daily deterioration of the living conditions of men, given the mortality rate which rises from year to year for many reasons, leaving many widows and orphans without a secure future, given the number of young girls, especially minors, who give to prostitution and without forgetting the youth who engage in trafficking and taking drugs; The SAUVONS DES VIES ASSOCIATION has initiated support, training and social integration projects for all the most vulnerable segments of the Togolese population to reduce the harmful consequences of this situation on society in general.
Our mission is to work to improve the socio-economic and cultural standard of living of these marginalized communities by adopting a sustainable and participatory approach to human development. Together, we can build a future in which grassroots communities will benefit from better conditions. of life and better socio-economic prospects.
The members
President: Yvonne God Grace Dweggah
Vice President: Kokouvi Egbor Segbe
Secretary General: Ayawavi Delali Kpeto
General Treasurer: Yao Patrice Zokpodo
1st Advisor: Adoubi Duevi Dweggah
Sauvons Des Vies Togo
Email :
Phone :(00228) 90 28 48 43 / 97 82 84 43