The School
To ensure good education and good monitoring of orphans of school age, we have planned the construction of a school complex from nursery to Middle school.
The Orphanage
We have witnessed the sad reality in certain areas where children are forced to survive on their own and end up seeking help in the streets. It is essential to put support measures in place to support them.
No one is indifferent when we approach the lives of orphans, widows, the vulnerable, prostitutes and drug addicts. The root causes of their precarious living conditions remain an enigma. For some children, becoming an orphan involves the death of one of the parents, especially the father who played the role of educator and sole provider. Some children become prostitutes or take drugs because of the loss of a loved one or the divorce of their parents or following abuse by a parent or guardian. The causes are multiple and complex and must be treated with great tact and diligence. These people live in conditions that compromise their future. Often deprived of basic rights such as education, healthy food and health, they are most often at the mercy of predators who take advantage of their vulnerability to teach them degrading behaviors such as mistreatment, slavery and abuse. sexual etc. Faced with this observation, we initiated this project to provide assistance to the pre-listed target populations.
Your help is very important to allow children to access basic education
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